

Ziccardi, V., Nizam, S.; “Lingual Nerve Repair Techniques”, Tursun R, Green M, Maxillofacial Nerve Surgery: A Comprehensive Learning Manual, New York: Springer Publication date pending.

Nizam, S., Branman, R. “Redefining the neck: Utilizing hyoid platysmal suspension.” American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. 2018 August; online first.

Dr. Sami A. Nizam's publication in American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery

Conde-Green A, Nizam S, Granick MS, “Osseus Genioplasty”, The Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery, Mesa J, Havlik R, Mackay D, Buchman S, Losee J. Thieme Publishers: Stuttgart, 2018


Ziccardi, V., Nizam, S. “Arthrocentesis of the temporomandibular joint.” Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 3rd Edition. Fonseca, R. Saunders: Philadelphia 2017


Nizam, S. Aziz, SR. “Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Horizontal Distraction Osteogenesis”. Horizontal Alveolar Bone Augmentation. Tulstunov, L. Wiley: New Jersey 2016


Nizam, S., Ziccardi, V.; Trigeminal nerve injury in dentoalveolar surgery: Avoidance and management strategies; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery clinics of North America; 2015 August;27 (3) 411-424


Nizam, S., Ziccardi, V.; The use of hybrid MMF in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Journal of Maxillofacial Trauma; 2014 April;3(1):1-8


Nizam, S. Avulsive Helical Rim Injury: A Novel Reconstructive Technique and Case Report. OOO. 2013; 111(6):E1


Linn, L., Nizam, S., Fatahzadah, M.; The impact of Prasugrel, a new antiplatelet agent, on dental care of patients; Quintessence Int. 2013 May;44(5):433-8.


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