Rhinoplasty / Nose Job in Montgomery AL

Rhinoplasty (or “Nose Job”) is the art of reshaping the nose. Racial and ethnic norms vary widely, and because of this, a wide array of procedures and techniques are available. This is truly a procedure that must be customized to the patient and a cookie-cutter approach must be avoided.

At Alabama Surgical Arts, Dr. Nizam will use imaging software to “morph” the nose and agree upon the shape that is trying to be achieved. Rhinoplasty is a procedure of balance and sometimes can require additional procedures such as chin augmentation to achieve harmonious natural contours of the face.

Before And After Nose Job

Interested in Rhinoplasty?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Call us: 334-271-2002

The Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Procedure

The procedure itself is performed through a small incision on the columella or inferior portion of the nose (see photo before). The rest of the incisions are hidden inside the nose. The columellar incision heals imperceptibly by 6 months.

Once the skin of the nose is lifted free, the underlying cartilage and bone are reshaped considering the morphing software that was completed prior. This may require removal of the above tissue or sometimes addition to them, depending on the pre discussed goals. If augmentation with cartilage is required, it is typically obtained from your septum, ear, rib, or cadaver.

There is a recent trend towards nonsurgical rhinoplasty and for some, this may present a valid option, which can be discussed at consultation. Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately 4 hours.

Before And After Nose Job


Social down time is typically 7-10 days. Sutures will be removed at 7 days. A splint will remain on the nose for 7 days. Makeup can be worn below the eyes to cover bruising the day after the procedure. Most of the swelling in the nose is typically gone by 6 weeks. The final tip contour may not be fully appreciated for up to 1 year.


Results of rhinoplasty are permanent. As stated above most of the swelling is out of the nose by 6 weeks, however the nose will become more defined over the course of a year. Result typically remain stable from this point on with subtle changes over the years.